I have given this a lot of thought lately, and I have came to a simple conclusion, a womyn's body is her own and there is nothing that can change that. Neo-Conservatives have invaded this hallowed space for centuries, thinking that sexual love is something dirty if a womyn wishes to love another womyn. I have to say to the state stay the hell out of my panties! There I said it. I love womyn of all ages, races, and sizes because I am a lesbian womyn wearing my panties proudly. My lesbian womyn wear their panties proudly too. I love seeing my lesbian ladies in their panties, with their labia's protruding through the fabric, really I do. It is a beautiful thing to see, mmm come to think about it my labia lips are protruding through the fabric of my panties as well, but of course I do wear maxi pads to keep my panties clean, I just got a fresh one this morning and it was a wonderful thing to do for myself. It doesn't matter if I am having my period or not, I am peri-menopausal anyway and my hormones shoot through the roof at times, but what the hell I love my hormones just fine and it will be okay baby girl.
The Body Politic is just that for us lesbian, bisexual, and transgender ladies, it is our own. It is dangerous to think any other way, because if we allow a bunch of narrow minded people to tell us what we can do, who we choose to love and make love to, or who we choose to be, whether by birth, genetics,or corrective surgery then we have indeed lost our way as womyn. It is equally as dangerous for us to loose our identity as womyn I wrote one time "I am womyn here me roar, hear me shout is from the rooftops and in the public square". It is high time that we as womyn took back our labia's, vagina's, our breast, and may I say our hearts, minds, and souls. What is freedom but to have freedom over our own selves and cease being hand-maidens to the social construct for it is evil and its ends are destructive to us womyn.
Let me talk a bit about being lesbian, bisexual, or transgender in a society full of testosterone laden commercialized adolescent men. Lets face it ladies a mans only function is to produce sperm for our babies, other than that we are the care-takers of that production until it is time for our children can freely take flight out of the nest we have built for them. Who's business what we choose to do with or for our children? I say it is nobody's business, and furthermore it is none of anyones business how we choose to teach our children the facts of life, whether by teaching them how to touch their bodies for orgasm or to allow them to learn by touching ours. They do need to be taught instead of being raped by the state. It is not incest, it is called Tri-les, the teaching by touching and gaining experience by that touching. Religion has raped our children in believing that it is a sin for them to learn love, passion, and the ways of life from the only ones that truly care about them, their mothers. Are we the ones who changed their diapers as infants, are we the ones who breast-fad them as babies, you cannot get any more intimate than that, besides breast-feeding an infant is the most wonderful expression of a mothers love, passion, and beauty, and I have had womyn tell me they have experienced wonderful orgasms because of the intimacies of breast-feeding their children. Her nipples are the most sensitive during their child-bearing years, and for their children to breast-feed is a sweet relief. She needs Tri-Les during this sensitive time, for one rid her breast of excess milk production, and to bond emotionally and intimately with her children.
To all my womyn I truly respect, honor, and love you. Our paradise will be ours if we only have faith in ourselves, our community, our friendships, and our loves. Let us keep our panties to ourselves, just between us womyn. It is better that way. xxx kisses
Erica Baker